# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 # Docker image for almalinux using the rhel template ARG IMAGE_NAME="almalinux" ARG PHP_SERVER="almalinux" ARG BUILD_DATE="202408111028" ARG LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8" ARG TIMEZONE="America/New_York" ARG WWW_ROOT_DIR="/usr/share/httpd/default" ARG DEFAULT_FILE_DIR="/usr/local/share/template-files" ARG DEFAULT_DATA_DIR="/usr/local/share/template-files/data" ARG DEFAULT_CONF_DIR="/usr/local/share/template-files/config" ARG DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR="/usr/local/share/template-files/defaults" ARG USER="root" ARG SHELL_OPTS="set -e -o pipefail" ARG SERVICE_PORT="" ARG EXPOSE_PORTS="" ARG PHP_VERSION="7.4" ARG NODE_VERSION="system" ARG NODE_MANAGER="system" ARG IMAGE_REPO="casjaysdev/almalinux" ARG IMAGE_VERSION="8-dev" ARG CONTAINER_VERSION="" ARG PULL_URL="almalinux" ARG DISTRO_VERSION="8" ARG BUILD_VERSION="${BUILD_DATE}" FROM tianon/gosu:latest AS gosu FROM ${PULL_URL}:${DISTRO_VERSION} AS build ARG TZ ARG USER ARG LICENSE ARG TIMEZONE ARG LANGUAGE ARG IMAGE_NAME ARG BUILD_DATE ARG SERVICE_PORT ARG EXPOSE_PORTS ARG BUILD_VERSION ARG IMAGE_VERSION ARG WWW_ROOT_DIR ARG DEFAULT_FILE_DIR ARG DEFAULT_DATA_DIR ARG DEFAULT_CONF_DIR ARG DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR ARG DISTRO_VERSION ARG NODE_VERSION ARG NODE_MANAGER ARG PHP_VERSION ARG PHP_SERVER ARG SHELL_OPTS ARG PACK_LIST="bash-completion git curl wget sudo unzip tini iproute net-tools glibc-langpack-en pinentry nail postfix python3-pip certbot ca-certificates " ENV ENV=~/.profile ENV SHELL="/bin/sh" ENV TZ="${TIMEZONE}" ENV TIMEZONE="${TZ}" ENV LANG="${LANGUAGE}" ENV TERM="xterm-256color" ENV HOSTNAME="casjaysdev-almalinux" USER ${USER} WORKDIR /root COPY ./rootfs/usr/local/bin/. /usr/local/bin/ RUN set -e; \ echo "Setting up prerequisites"; \ yum makecache && yum install -yy bash; \ SH_CMD="$(which sh 2>/dev/null||command -v sh 2>/dev/null)"; \ BASH_CMD="$(which bash 2>/dev/null||command -v bash 2>/dev/null)"; \ [ -x "$BASH_CMD" ] && symlink "$BASH_CMD" "/bin/sh" || true; \ [ -x "$BASH_CMD" ] && symlink "$BASH_CMD" "/usr/bin/sh" || true; \ [ -x "$BASH_CMD" ] && [ "$SH_CMD" != "/bin/sh"] && symlink "$BASH_CMD" "$SH_CMD" || true; \ [ -n "$BASH_CMD" ] && sed -i 's|root:x:.*|root:x:0:0:root:/root:'$BASH_CMD'|g' "/etc/passwd" || true ENV SHELL="/bin/bash" SHELL [ "/bin/bash", "-c" ] COPY --from=gosu /usr/local/bin/gosu /usr/local/bin/gosu RUN echo "Initializing the system"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ mkdir -p "${DEFAULT_DATA_DIR}" "${DEFAULT_CONF_DIR}" "${DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR}" "/root/docker/setup" "/etc/profile.d"; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/00-init.sh" ];then echo "Running the init script";/root/docker/setup/00-init.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/00-init.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the init script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Creating and editing system files "; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ mkdir -p "${DEFAULT_DATA_DIR}" "${DEFAULT_CONF_DIR}" "${DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR}" "/root/docker/setup" "/etc/profile.d"; \ touch "/etc/profile" "/root/.profile"; \ pkmgr update && pkmgr install epel-release; crb enable || true; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/01-system.sh" ];then echo "Running the system script";/root/docker/setup/01-system.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/01-system.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the system script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Running pre-package commands"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ echo "" RUN echo "Setting up and installing packages"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ if [ -n "${PACK_LIST}" ];then echo "Installing packages: $PACK_LIST";echo "${PACK_LIST}" >/root/docker/setup/packages.txt;pkmgr install ${PACK_LIST};fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Initializing packages before copying files to image"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/02-packages.sh" ];then echo "Running the packages script";/root/docker/setup/02-packages.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/02-packages.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the packages script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Setting up dev system"; \ if [ -f "/usr/local/bin/pkmgr" ] ; then rm -Rf "/usr/local/bin/pkmgr"; fi; \ bash -c "$(curl -q -LSsf "https://github.com/casjay-base/centos/raw/main/root/.local/bin/fetch-repo-file")"; \ [ ! -d "/usr/local/share/CasjaysDev/scripts" ] && \ git clone -q https://github.com/casjay-dotfiles/scripts "/usr/local/share/CasjaysDev/scripts" && \ /usr/local/share/CasjaysDev/scripts/install.sh; \ dnf module -y reset php;dnf module -y install php:remi-$PHP_VERSION; \ pkg="$(curl -q -LSsf "https://github.com/pkmgr/centos/raw/main/lists/development.list")"; \ [ -n "$pkg" ] && yum install -yy --skip-broken "$pkg" COPY ./rootfs/. / COPY ./Dockerfile.8 /root/docker/Dockerfile RUN echo "Updating system files "; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ echo "$TIMEZONE" >"/etc/timezone"; \ touch "/etc/profile" "/root/.profile"; \ echo 'hosts: files dns' >"/etc/nsswitch.conf"; \ [ "$PHP_VERSION" = "system" ] && PHP_VERSION="php" || true; \ PHP_BIN="$(command -v ${PHP_VERSION} 2>/dev/null || true)"; \ PHP_FPM="$(ls /usr/*bin/php*fpm* 2>/dev/null || true)"; \ pip_bin="$(command -v python3 2>/dev/null || command -v python2 2>/dev/null || command -v python 2>/dev/null || true)"; \ py_version="$(command $pip_bin --version | sed 's|[pP]ython ||g' | awk -F '.' '{print $1$2}' | grep '[0-9]' || true)"; \ [ "$py_version" -gt "310" ] && pip_opts="--break-system-packages " || pip_opts=""; \ if [ -n "$pip_bin" ];then $pip_bin -m pip install certbot-dns-rfc2136 certbot-dns-duckdns certbot-dns-cloudflare certbot-nginx $pip_opts || true;fi; \ [ -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ}" ] && ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ}" "/etc/localtime" || true; \ [ -n "$PHP_BIN" ] && [ -z "$(command -v php 2>/dev/null)" ] && ln -sf "$PHP_BIN" "/usr/bin/php" 2>/dev/null || true; \ [ -n "$PHP_FPM" ] && [ -z "$(command -v php-fpm 2>/dev/null)" ] && ln -sf "$PHP_FPM" "/usr/bin/php-fpm" 2>/dev/null || true; \ if [ -f "/etc/profile.d/color_prompt.sh.disabled" ]; then mv -f "/etc/profile.d/color_prompt.sh.disabled" "/etc/profile.d/color_prompt.sh";fi ; \ { [ -f "/etc/bash/bashrc" ] && cp -Rf "/etc/bash/bashrc" "/root/.bashrc"; } || { [ -f "/etc/bashrc" ] && cp -Rf "/etc/bashrc" "/root/.bashrc"; } || { [ -f "/etc/bash.bashrc" ] && cp -Rf "/etc/bash.bashrc" "/root/.bashrc"; } || true; \ if [ -z "$(command -v "apt-get" 2>/dev/null)" ];then grep -s -q 'alias quit' "/root/.bashrc" || printf '# Profile\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' '. /etc/profile' '. /root/.profile' "alias quit='exit 0 2>/dev/null'" >>"/root/.bashrc"; fi; \ if [ "$PHP_VERSION" != "system" ] && [ -e "/etc/php" ] && [ -d "/etc/${PHP_VERSION}" ];then rm -Rf "/etc/php";fi; \ if [ "$PHP_VERSION" != "system" ] && [ -n "${PHP_VERSION}" ] && [ -d "/etc/${PHP_VERSION}" ];then ln -sf "/etc/${PHP_VERSION}" "/etc/php";fi; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/03-files.sh" ];then echo "Running the files script";/root/docker/setup/03-files.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/03-files.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the files script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Custom Settings"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ echo "" RUN echo "Setting up users and scripts "; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/04-users.sh" ];then echo "Running the users script";/root/docker/setup/04-users.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/04-users.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the users script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Running the user init commands"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ echo "" RUN echo "Setting OS Settings "; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ echo "" RUN echo "Custom Applications"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ echo "" RUN echo "Running custom commands"; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/05-custom.sh" ];then echo "Running the custom script";/root/docker/setup/05-custom.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/05-custom.sh" && exit 10; };echo "Done running the custom script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Running final commands before cleanup"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/06-post.sh" ];then echo "Running the post script";/root/docker/setup/06-post.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/06-post.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the post script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Deleting unneeded files"; \ $SHELL_OPTS; \ pkmgr clean; \ rm -Rf "/config" "/data" || true; \ rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/* || true; \ rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/systemd-update-utmp* || true; \ rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/anaconda.target.wants/* || true; \ rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/local-fs.target.wants/* || true; \ rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/* || true; \ rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*udev* || true; \ rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*initctl* || true; \ rm -Rf /usr/share/doc/* /var/tmp/* /var/cache/*/* /root/.cache/* /usr/share/info/* /tmp/* || true; \ if [ -d "/lib/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants" ];then cd "/lib/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants" && rm -f $(ls | grep -v systemd-tmpfiles-setup);fi; \ if [ -f "/root/docker/setup/07-cleanup.sh" ];then echo "Running the cleanup script";/root/docker/setup/07-cleanup.sh||{ echo "Failed to execute /root/docker/setup/07-cleanup.sh" >&2 && exit 10; };echo "Done running the cleanup script";fi; \ echo "" RUN echo "Init done" FROM scratch ARG TZ ARG USER ARG TIMEZONE ARG LANGUAGE ARG IMAGE_NAME ARG BUILD_DATE ARG SERVICE_PORT ARG EXPOSE_PORTS ARG BUILD_VERSION ARG IMAGE_VERSION ARG WWW_ROOT_DIR ARG DEFAULT_FILE_DIR ARG DEFAULT_DATA_DIR ARG DEFAULT_CONF_DIR ARG DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR ARG DISTRO_VERSION ARG NODE_VERSION ARG NODE_MANAGER ARG PHP_VERSION ARG PHP_SERVER ARG LICENSE="WTFPL" ARG ENV_PORTS="" USER ${USER} WORKDIR /root LABEL maintainer="CasjaysDev " LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor="CasjaysDev" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="CasjaysDev