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synced 2025-03-14 07:36:45 -04:00
123 lines
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123 lines
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# e2guardian messages file in French
# Translated by: Bernard Wanadoo and Jacques Theys
# Improvements by Jeanuel
# Improvements by Mathieu Parent (2011)
# ! Quote "'" changed by backquote "`" to avoid bad interpretation !
"0","Message number absent" # needs translation
"1","Accès interdit"
"10","IP limit exceeded. There is a " # needs translation
"11"," IP limit set." # needs translation
"50"," in " # needs translation
"51","TRUSTED" # needs translation
"52","Accès interdit"
"53","INFECTED" # needs translation
"54","SCANNED" # needs translation
"55","CONTENTMOD" # needs translation
"56","URLMOD" # needs translation
"57","HEADERMOD" # needs translation
"58","HEADERADD" # needs translation
"59","NETERROR" # needs translation
"70","SSL SITE" # needs translation
"71","IP Limit" # needs translation
"72","Content scanning" # needs translation
"100","Votre addresse IP n`est pas autorisée à naviguer sur le site : "
"101","Votre addresse IP n`est pas autorisée à naviguer."
"102","Votre compte utilisateur n`est pas autorisé à afficher le site : "
"103","Banned Client IP" # needs translation
"104","Banned Location" # needs translation
"105","Banned User" # needs translation
"110","Proxy authentication error" # needs translation
"121","Only limited access allowed from your location" # needs translation
"150","Certificate supplied by server was not valid" # needs translation
"151","Could not open ssl connection" # needs translation
"152","Failed to get ssl certificate" # needs translation
"153","Failed to load ssl private key" # needs translation
"154","Failed to negotiate ssl connection to client" # needs translation
"155","No SSL certificate supplied by server" # needs translation
"156","Server`s SSL certificate does not match domain name" # needs translation
"157","Unable to create tunnel through local proxy" # needs translation
"158","Opening tunnel failed" # needs translation
"159","Could not connect to proxy server" # needs translation
"160","Failed to nogotiate ssl connection to server" # needs translation
"200","L`URL demandée n'est pas bien formée."
"201","Unable to get response from upstream proxy (timeout)" # needs translation
"202","Unable to get response from upstream proxy (error)" # needs translation
"203","The site requested is not responding" # needs translation
"204"," - Please try again later" # needs translation
"205","Upstream proxy is not responding (network error)" # needs translation
"206"," - Please try again later" # needs translation
"207","The site requested does not exist" # needs translation
"208","The site requested does not have an IPv4 address" # needs translation
"209","Temporary DNS service failure - please try again" # needs translation
"210","DNS service failure - please try again later" # needs translation
"300","Phrase interdite : "
"301","Phrase interdite trouvée."
"400","Combinaison de mots interdite : "
"401","Combinaison de mots interdite trouvée."
"402","Limite de pondération "
"403","Limite de pondération dépassée."
"450","Terme de recherche interdit : "
"451","Terme de recherche interdit trouvé."
"452","Combinaison de termes de recherche interdite : "
"453","Combinaison de termes de recherche interdite trouvée."
"454","Limite de pondération de termes de recherche "
"455","Limite de pondération de termes de recherche dépassée."
"456","Exception de combinaison de termes de recherche autorisée : "
"457","Exception de terme de recherche autorisé : "
"500","Site interdit : "
"501","URL interdite : "
"502","Le mode liste blanche (Blanket Block) est actif et ce site n`est pas dans la liste autorisée, blanche ou grise."
"503","Expression régulière d`URL interdite : "
"504","Expression régulière d`URL interdite trouvée."
"505","Le mode liste blanche d`IPs (IP Blanket Block) est actif et cette addresse est une adresse IP uniquement."
"506","Le mode liste blanche SSL (SSL Blanket Block) est actif et ce site n`est pas dans la liste autorisée, blanche ou grise."
"507","Le mode liste blanche SSL d`IPs (SSL IP Blanket Block) est actif et cette addresse est une adresse IP uniquement."
"508","Expression régulière d`entète HTTP interdite : ",
"509","Expression régulière d`entète HTTP interdite trouvée."
"510","Blocked IP site " # needs translation
"511","Tranparent https connection is not TLS: " # needs translation
"512","Tranparent https connection does not have SNI: " # needs translation
"520","Blocked HTTPS site: " # needs translation
"521","Banned Search Words: " # needs translation
"522","Blocked User-Agent: " # needs translation
"560","Blocked site (local): " # needs translation
"561","Blocked URL (local): " # needs translation
"580","Blocked HTTPS site (local): " # needs translation
"581","Banned Search Words (local): " # needs translation
"600","Exception d`adresse IP client trouvée."
"601","Exception d`utilisateur client trouvée."
"602","Exception de site trouvée : "
"603","Exception d`URL trouvée : "
"604","Exception de phrase trouvée : "
"605","Exception de combinaison de mots trouvée : "
"606","Exception d`URL sans controle trouvée."
"607","Exception de cookie sans controle trouvée."
"608","Exception d`URL sans inspection des logiciels malveillants trouvée."
"609","Exception d`expression régulière d'URL trouvée : "
"610","User-Agent pattern match: " # needs translation
"620","Referer match: " # needs translation
"630","URL match in " # needs translation
"631"," location allow list" # needs translation
"632","Location overide allow list matched" # needs translation
"662","Site (local): " # needs translation
"663","URL (local): " # needs translation
"700","L`upload web est interdit."
"701","Dépassement de la limite d`upload Web."
"750","Le mode liste blanche de téléchargement (Blanket file download) est actif et ce type MIME n`est pas dans la liste blanche : "
"751","Le mode liste blanche de téléchargement (Blanket file download) est actif et ce fichier n`est pas dans la liste blanche."
"800","Type MIME interdit: "
"900","Type de fichier interdit : "
"1000","Niveau PICS depassé sur le site entier."
"1100","Logiciel malveillant détecté."
"1101","Publicité bloqué"
"1200","Veuillez patienter - téléchargement du fichier en cours ..."
"1201","Avertissement : fichier trop volumineux pour ètre inspecté. Si vous pensez que le fichier est plus volumineux que "
"1202",", raffraîchissez la page pour le télécharger directement."
"1203","WARNING: Could not perform content scan!" # needs translation
"1210","Téléchargement terminé. Inspection des logiciels malveillants en cours ..."
"1220","Inspection du fichier terminée.</p><p>Cliquez ici pour le télécharger : "
"1221","Télécharge terminé. fichier non inspecté.</p><p>Cliquez ici pour le télécharger : "
"1222","Fichier trop volumineux pour ètre mis en cache.</p><p>Cliquez ici pour le télécharger à nouveau, sans inspection des logiciels malveillants : "
"1230","Le fichier n`est plus disponible"