#!/usr/bin/env perl $allow_html_code = 0; &ReadEnvs; $deniedurl = $in{'DENIEDURL'}; $reason = $in{'REASON'}; $user = $in{'USER'}; $ip = $in{'IP'}; $cats = $in{'CATEGORIES'}; $host = $in{'HOST'}; $fbypasshash = $in{'GBYPASS'}; # $ibypasshash = $in{'GIBYPASS'}; # $hashflag = $in{'HASH'}; # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print ''; print '
else {
print '
Access to the page:
'; } print "$deniedurl"; print '
... has been denied for the following reason:
'; print "$reason"; if (length($cats) > 0) { print '
'; print "$cats"; } print '
Your username, IP address, date, time and URL have been logged.'; print '
You are seeing this error because the page you attempted '; print 'to access contains, or is labelled as containing, material that'; print ' has been deemed inappropriate. |
'; print 'If you have any queries contact your Proxy Administrator |
Powered by Casjays Developments Proxy Server'; print '