# e2guardian 3 messages in Brazilian Portuguese
# Mensagens do e2guardian 3 file em Portugus do Brasil (pt-BR)
# Translated/traduzido (?) by/por Henrique Araujo - Sys Admin
# henrique@colegiosaogoncalo.g12.br
# Cuiab - MT, Brasil
"0","Message number absent"    # needs translation
"1","Acesso negado."
"10","IP limit exceeded.  There is a  "    # needs translation
"11"," IP limit set."    # needs translation
"50"," in "    # needs translation
"51","TRUSTED"    # needs translation
"52","DENIED"    # needs translation
"53","INFECTED"    # needs translation
"54","SCANNED"    # needs translation
"55","CONTENTMOD"    # needs translation
"56","URLMOD"    # needs translation
"57","HEADERMOD"    # needs translation
"58","HEADERADD"    # needs translation
"59","NETERROR"    # needs translation
"70","SSL SITE"    # needs translation
"71","IP Limit"    # needs translation
"72","Content scanning"    # needs translation
"100","Seu endereço IP não tem permissão de acesso à  web: "
"101","Seu endereço IP não tem permissão de acesso à  web: "
"102","Esse nome de usuário não tem permissão de acesso à  web: "
"103","Banned Client IP"    # needs translation
"104","Banned Location"    # needs translation
"105","Banned User"    # needs translation
"110","Proxy authentication error"    # needs translation
"121","Only limited access allowed from your location"    # needs translation
"150","Certificate supplied by server was not valid"    # needs translation
"151","Could not open ssl connection"     # needs translation
"152","Failed to get ssl certificate"    # needs translation
"153","Failed to load ssl private key"    # needs translation
"154","Failed to negotiate ssl connection to client"    # needs translation
"155","No SSL certificate supplied by server"    # needs translation
"156","Server's SSL certificate does not match domain name"    # needs translation
"157","Unable to create tunnel through local proxy"    # needs translation
"158","Opening tunnel failed"    # needs translation
"159","Could not connect to proxy server"    # needs translation
"160","Failed to nogotiate ssl connection to server"    # needs translation
"200","A URL requerida está mal formada."
"201","Unable to get response from upstream proxy (timeout)"    # needs translation
"202","Unable to get response from upstream proxy (error)"    # needs translation
"203","The site requested is not responding"    # needs translation
"204"," - Please try again later"    # needs translation
"205","Upstream proxy is not responding (network error)"    # needs translation
"206"," - Please try again later"    # needs translation
"207","The site requested does not exist"    # needs translation
"208","The site requested does not have an IPv4 address"    # needs translation
"209","Temporary DNS service failure - please try again"    # needs translation
"210","DNS service failure - please try again later"    # needs translation
"300","Encontrada frase proibida: "
"301","Encontrada frase proibida: "
"400","Encontrada combinação de frases proibida: "
"401","Encontrada combinação de frases proibida: "
"402","Limite de frase ponderada de "
"403","Limite de frase ponderada excedido."
"450","Banned search term found: "    # needs translation
"451","Banned search term found."    # needs translation
"452","Banned combination search term found: "    # needs translation
"453","Banned combination search term found."    # needs translation
"454","Weighted search term limit of "    # needs translation
"455","Weighted search term limit exceeded."    # needs translation
"456","Exception combination search term found: "    # needs translation
"457","Exception search term found: "    # needs translation
"500","Sítio proibido: "
"501","URL proibida: "
"502","Bloqueio geral está ativo e aquele sítio não está na lista livre."
"503","Expressão Regular proibida em URL: "
"504","Encontrada Expressão Regular proibida em URL: "
"505","Bloqueio geral de IP está ativo e aquele endereço não possui nome."
"506","HTTPS access is only allowed to trusted sites."    # needs translation
"507","HTTPS access by IP address is not allowed."    # needs translation
"508","Access not allowed using this browser (or app): "    # needs translation
"509","Access not allowed using this browser (or app)."    # needs translation
"510","Blocked IP site "    # needs translation
"511","Tranparent https connection is not TLS: "    # needs translation
"512","Tranparent https connection does not have SNI: "    # needs translation
"520","Blocked HTTPS site: "    # needs translation
"521","Banned Search Words: "    # needs translation
"522","Blocked User-Agent: "    # needs translation
"560","Blocked site (local): "    # needs translation
"561","Blocked URL (local): "    # needs translation
"580","Blocked HTTPS site (local): "    # needs translation
"581","Banned Search Words (local): "    # needs translation
"600","Cliente IP está na lista de exceções."
"601","Usuário está na lista de exceções."
"602","Sítio está na lista de exceções."
"603","URL está na lista de exceções."
"604","Encontrada frase na lista de exceções: "
"605","Encontrada combinação de frases na lista de exceções: "
"606","Desvio temporário de bloqueio (Bypass URL.)"
"607","Desvio temporário de bloqueio (Bypass cookie.)"
"608","Scan bypass URL exception."
"609","Exception regular expression URL match: "
"610","User-Agent pattern match: "    # needs translation
"620","Referer match: "    # needs translation
"630","URL match in "    # needs translation
"631"," location allow list"    # needs translation
"632","Location overide allow list matched"    # needs translation
"662","Site (local)."    # needs translation
"663","URL (local)."    # needs translation
"700","Transferência de arquivos para web proibida."
"701","Limite de transferência de arquivos para web excedido."
"750","Blanket file download is active and this MIME type is not on the white list: "    # needs translation
"751","Blanket file download is active and this file is not matched by the white lists."    # needs translation
"800","Tipo MIME proibido: "
"900","Extensão proibida: "
"1000","Nível de rotulagem PICS excedido no sítio acima."
# 1,1000 by Andson Gomes - html internet
"1100","Virus or bad content detected."
"1101","Advert blocked"
"1200","Please wait - downloading to be scanned..."
"1201","Warning: file too large to scan. If you suspect that this file is larger than "    # needs translation
"1202",", then refresh this page to download directly."    # needs translation
"1203","WARNING: Could not perform content scan!"    # needs translation
"1210","Download Complete.  Starting scan..."
"1220","Scan complete.</p><p>Click here to download: "
"1221","Download complete; file not scanned.</p><p>Click here to download: "    # needs translation
"1222","File too large to cache.</p><p>Click here to re-download, bypassing scan: "    # needs translation
"1230","File no longer available"