# BANNEDPHRASELIST - INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE # # To block any page with the word "sex". # < sex > # # To block any page with words that contain the string "sex". (ie. sexual) # <sex> # # To block any page with the string "sex magazine". # <sex magazine> # # To block any page containing the words/strings "sex" and "fetish". # <sex>,<fetish> # # < test> will match any word with the string 'test' at the beginning # <test > will match any word with the string 'test' at the end # <test> will match any word with the string 'test' at any point in the word # < test > will match only the word 'test' # <this is a test phrase> will match that exact phrase # <test>,<secondtest> will match if both words are found in the page # A combination of the above can also be used eg < test>,<secondtest> # # # Extra phrase-list files to include # .Include</etc/e2guardian/testphrase> # # # All phrases need to be within < and > to work, othewise they will be # ignored. # MORE EXAMPLE LISTS CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM DANSGUARDIAN.ORG # Phrase Exceptions are no longer listed in this file, they are now # listed in the exceptionphraselist file. # #listcategory: "Banned Phrases" # The following banned phraselists enable Website Content Labeling systems. These are enabled by default, but may also be activated using phraselists. .Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/safelabel/banned> #.Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/rta/banned_portuguese> # The following banned phraselists are included in the default DG distribution. .Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/pornography/banned> ##.Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/pornography/banned_portuguese> #.Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/illegaldrugs/banned> #.Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/gambling/banned> ##.Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/gambling/banned_portuguese> #.Include</etc/e2guardian/lists/phraselists/googlesearches/banned>