# Contributed by Fernand Jonker

#listcategory: "Webmail"

#General webmail
< inbox >,< outbox >,< sent ><100>
<compose>,< inbox >,< subject >,< date ><30>
< webmail ><30>
< drafts >,< spam >,< trash ><40>
< date>,< from >,< subject >,< size >,<delete><100>
< delete >,<empty trash>,< search ><100>
<free email><20>
<free webmail><20>

#Stalker Communigate

<by the squirrelmail development team><100>
<folders>,<inbox>,<sent>,<trash>,<check mail><100>

<new message>,<new appointment>,<new contact>,<hotmail><100>
<from my contacts>,<junk e-mail folder>,<hotmail><50>

< gmail ><20>
<Sign in to Gmail><75>
<Search, don't sort><20>
<Welcome to Gmail><40>
<for you to use Gmail><30>

<welcome to imp><30>
<internet messaging program><20>