      T&eacute;l&eacute;chargement de -FILENAME- (-FILESIZE- octets)
    <script language="javascript">
        var scanned = 1;
        var fs = -FILESIZE-;
        function timestring(seconds) {
          var hours = Math.floor(seconds/3600);
          var minutes = Math.floor((seconds/60) - (hours*3600));
          var seconds = seconds - (minutes*60) - (hours*3600);
          var string = "";
          if (hours > 0) {
            if (hours < 10)
              string = "0"+hours;
              string = hours;
            string += ":";
          if (minutes > 0) {
            if (minutes < 10)
              string += "0"+minutes;
              string += minutes;
          } else {
            string += "00";
          string += ":";
          if (seconds > 0) {
            if (seconds < 10)
              string += "0"+seconds;
              string += seconds;
          } else {
            string += "00";
          return string;
        function filesizestring(bytes) {
          var gb = Math.floor(bytes/1073741824);
          if (gb > 0)
            return gb.toString()+" Gb";
          var mb = Math.floor(bytes/1048576);
          if (mb > 0)
            return mb.toString()+" Mb";
          var kb = Math.floor(bytes/1024);
          if (kb > 0)
            return kb.toString()+" Kb";
          return bytes.toString()+" bytes";
        function progressupdate(got, speed) {
          var msg;
          if (fs > 0) {
            var sofar = (got/fs)*16;
            for (var i = 1; i <=sofar; i++)
              document.getElementById('progress'+i).style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
            msg = Math.round((got/-FILESIZE-)*100)+"%, temps restant : "+timestring(Math.round((fs-got)/speed))+"; "+filesizestring(speed)+"/s; total t&eacute;l&eacute;charg&eacute; : "+filesizestring(got);
          } else {
            msg = "Temps restant : inconnu; "+filesizestring(speed)+"/s; total t&eacute;l&eacute;charg&eacute; : "+filesizestring(got);
          document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = msg;
        function nowscanning() {
          for (var i = 1; i <=16; i++)
            document.getElementById('progress'+i).style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
          if (scanned == 1) {
            var msg = "T&eacute;l&eacute;chargement termin&eacute;. Inspection des logiciels malveillants en cours ...";
            document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = msg;
        function downloadlink(rawlink, prettylink, type) {
          if (type == 0)
            var msg = "Fichier inspect&eacute;";
          else if (type == 1)
            var msg = "Fichier t&eacute;l&eacute;charg&eacute;, mais non inspect&eacute; car trop volumineux";
          else if (type == 2)
            var msg = "Fichier trop volumineux pour &ecirc;tre mis en cache, veuillez le t&eacute;l&eacute;charg&eacute;r directement";
          document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = msg;
          if (type != 2)
            document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = "<a href='"+rawlink+"'>"+prettylink+"</a>";
            document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = "<a href='"+prettylink+"'>"+prettylink+"</a>";
        function downloadwarning(sizelimit) {
          scanned = 0;
          document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = "Avertissement : fichier trop volumineux pour &egrave;tre inspect&eacute;. Si vous pensez que le fichier est plus volumineux que "+filesizestring(sizelimit)+", raffra&icirc;chissez la page pour le t&eacute;l&eacute;charger directement.";
    <script language="javascript">
<table align='center'><tr><td>\
<div style='font-size:8pt;padding:2px;border:solid black 1px'>\
<span id='progress1'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress2'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress3'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress4'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress5'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress6'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress7'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress8'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress9'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress10'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress11'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress12'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress13'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress14'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress15'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<span id='progress16'>%26nbsp; %26nbsp;</span> \
<center><p><tt id='message1'></tt></p><p id='message2' style='color: #600;'></p></center>"

The available variables are as follows:
- FILENAME- gives the name of the file being downloaded
- FILESIZE- gives the size of the file in bytes

- FILESIZE- of zero indicates that file size is not known

You need to remove the space between the - and the variable to use them
in your HTML.  They are there above so extra processing is not required.

The following JavaScript functions must be defined:

progressupdate(got, speed)
  This is called when the page is initially displayed (i.e. after
  initialtrickledelay has passed), and periodically afterwards to
  update progress (once every trickledelay seconds).
  got - how much of the file we have downloaded, in bytes.
  speed - current estimate of download speed, in bytes per second.

  This is called once downloading is complete, and scanning has
  begun. (Note: scanning has not actually begun if downloadwarning()
  has been called at some point.)

downloadlink(rawlink, prettylink, type)
  This is called after scanning has completed, and the file is
  ready to be sent to the user.
  rawlink - the URL from which the scanned file can be grabbed
  prettylink - the original URL which triggered the fancy download manager
  type - the status of the download/scan:
    0 - downloaded & scanned
    1 - downloaded, but too big to have been scanned
    2 - too big to be completely downloaded
  codes 1 and 2 can only be encountered on files for which the content
  length is not known in advance. "rawlink" should be ignored for code 2.

  This is called when a file with unknown content-length has exceeded
  the configured maxcontentfilecachescansize. Used to warn the user
  that the fancy DM may not be able to retrieve the entire file,
  and that they should download directly (refresh the page; the URL will
  have been added to DG's clean cache) if they know it to be larger
  than sizelimit.
  sizelimit - the value of the fancy DM's maxdownloadsize. If a file
    exceeds this limit also, the fancy DM cannot continue
    (will trigger downloadlink status type 2).

Please note that the fancy download manager also outputs content contained in
<noscript> tags, for browsers which disable or do not support javascript. If you
customise this template, you may wish to test its behaviour and appearance in
such circumstances.