# e2guardian 3 messages file in Malay language
# Edited by Sazarul Izam <izam@oscc.org.my>
"0","Message number absent"    # needs translation
"1","Akses Tidak Dibenarkan"
# Access Denied
"10","IP limit exceeded.  There is a  "    # needs translation
"11"," IP limit set."    # needs translation
"50"," in "    # needs translation
"51","TRUSTED"    # needs translation
"52","DENIED"    # needs translation
"53","INFECTED"    # needs translation
"54","SCANNED"    # needs translation
"55","CONTENTMOD"    # needs translation
"56","URLMOD"    # needs translation
"57","HEADERMOD"    # needs translation
"58","HEADERADD"    # needs translation
"59","NETERROR"    # needs translation
"70","SSL SITE"    # needs translation
"71","IP Limit"    # needs translation
"72","Content scanning"    # needs translation
"100","IP anda tidak dibenarkan untuk melayari web: "
"101","IP anda tidak dibenarkan untuk melayari web."
"102","Nama pengguna anda tidak dibenarkan untuk melayari web: "
"103","Banned Client IP"    # needs translation
"104","Banned Location"    # needs translation
"105","Banned User"    # needs translation
"110","Proxy authentication error"    # needs translation
"121","Only limited access allowed from your location"    # needs translation
"150","Certificate supplied by server was not valid"    # needs translation
"151","Could not open ssl connection"     # needs translation
"152","Failed to get ssl certificate"    # needs translation
"153","Failed to load ssl private key"    # needs translation
"154","Failed to negotiate ssl connection to client"    # needs translation
"155","No SSL certificate supplied by server"    # needs translation
"156","Server's SSL certificate does not match domain name"    # needs translation
"157","Unable to create tunnel through local proxy"    # needs translation
"158","Opening tunnel failed"    # needs translation
"159","Could not connect to proxy server"    # needs translation
"160","Failed to nogotiate ssl connection to server"    # needs translation
"200","URL yang diminta adalah malformed."
"201","Unable to get response from upstream proxy (timeout)"    # needs translation
"202","Unable to get response from upstream proxy (error)"    # needs translation
"203","The site requested is not responding"    # needs translation
"204"," - Please try again later"    # needs translation
"205","Upstream proxy is not responding (network error)"    # needs translation
"206"," - Please try again later"    # needs translation
"207","The site requested does not exist"    # needs translation
"208","The site requested does not have an IPv4 address"    # needs translation
"209","Temporary DNS service failure - please try again"    # needs translation
"210","DNS service failure - please try again later"    # needs translation
"300","Frasa larangan dikesan: "
# Banned Phrase found:
"301","Frasa larangan dikesan."
# Banned phrase found.
"400","Kombinasi frasa larangan dikesan: "
# Banned combination phrase found: 
"401","Kombinasi frasa larangan dikesan."
# Banned combination phrase found.
"402","Had beban frasa oleh "
# Weighted phrase limit of 
"403","Melebihi had beban frasa."
# Weighted phrase limit exceeded.
"450","Banned search term found: "    # needs translation
"451","Banned search term found."    # needs translation
"452","Banned combination search term found: "    # needs translation
"453","Banned combination search term found."    # needs translation
"454","Weighted search term limit of "    # needs translation
"455","Weighted search term limit exceeded."    # needs translation
"456","Exception combination search term found: "    # needs translation
"457","Exception search term found: "    # needs translation
"500","Laman larangan: "
# Banned site: 
"501","URL larangan: "
# Banned URL: 
"502","Blok Blanket adalah aktif dan laman tersebut tidak tersenarai dalam white atau grey list." # Blanket Block is active and that site is not on the white or grey list.
"503","URL Ekspresi Biasa larangan: " 
# Banned Regular Expression URL: 
"504","URL Ekspresi Biasa larangan dikesan."
# Banned Regular Expression URL found.
"505","Blok Blanket IP adalah aktif dan alamat tersebut hanyalah alamat IP."
#Blanket IP Block is active and that address is an IP only address.
"506","HTTPS access is only allowed to trusted sites."    # needs translation
"507","HTTPS access by IP address is not allowed."    # needs translation
"508","Access not allowed using this browser (or app): "    # needs translation
"509","Access not allowed using this browser (or app)."    # needs translation
"510","Blocked IP site "    # needs translation
"511","Tranparent https connection is not TLS: "    # needs translation
"512","Tranparent https connection does not have SNI: "    # needs translation
"520","Blocked HTTPS site: "    # needs translation
"521","Banned Search Words: "    # needs translation
"522","Blocked User-Agent: "    # needs translation
"560","Blocked site (local): "    # needs translation
"561","Blocked URL (local): "    # needs translation
"580","Blocked HTTPS site (local): "    # needs translation
"581","Banned Search Words (local): "    # needs translation
"600","IP pengecualian klien sepadan."
# Exception client IP match.
"601","Pengguna pengecualian klien sepadan."
# Exception client user match.
"602","Laman pengecualian sepadan."
# Exception site match.
"603","URL pengecualian sepadan."
# Exception URL match.
"604","Frasa pengecualian sepadan: "
# Exception phrase found: 
"605","Kombinasi frasa pengecualian sepadan: "
# Combination exception phrase found: 
"606","URL pintasan sepadan."
# Bypass URL exception.
"607","Cookie pintasan sepadan."
# Bypass cookie exception.
"608","Scan bypass URL."    # needs translation
"609","URL pattern match: "    # needs translation
"610","User-Agent pattern match: "    # needs translation
"620","Referer match: "    # needs translation
"630","URL match in "    # needs translation
"631"," location allow list"    # needs translation
"632","Location overide allow list matched"    # needs translation
"662","Site (local)."    # needs translation
"663","URL (local)."    # needs translation
"700","Muatnaik laman dilarang."
# Web upload is banned.
"701","Muatnaik laman melebihi had."
# Web upload limit exceeded.
"750","Blanket file download is active and this MIME type is not on the white list: "    # needs translation
"751","Blanket file download is active and this file is not matched by the white lists."    # needs translation
"800","Jenis MIME larangan: "
# Banned MIME Type: 
"900","Extension larangan: "
# Banned extension: 
"1000","Penglabelan PICS melebihi peringkat pada laman di atas."
# PICS labeling level exceeded on the above site.
"1100","Virus or bad content detected."
"1101","Advert blocked"
"1200","Please wait - downloading file for scanning..."
"1201","Warning: file too large to scan. If you suspect that this file is larger than "
"1202",", then refresh this page to download directly."
"1203","WARNING: Could not perform content scan!"
"1210","Download Complete. Starting scan..."
"1220","Scan complete.</p><p>Click here to download: "
"1221","Download complete; file not scanned.</p><p>Click here to download: "
"1222","File too large to cache.</p><p>Click here to re-download, bypassing scan: "
"1230","File no longer available"