<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>e2guardian - Acceso Denegado</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER><H2>ACCESO DENEGADO -USER-</H2> <br>El acceso a la páina:<P> <strong><a href="-URL-">-URL-</a></strong> <P>... ha sido denegado por la siguiente razón:<P> <strong><font color="#ff0000">-REASONGIVEN-</font></strong> <p><table border=1 bgcolor="#FFEE00"><tr><td>Usted esta viendo esta página de error porque <BR>el sitio que está tratando de ver o su contenido <BR>han sido catalogados como inapropiados.</td></tr></table> <P><table border=1 bgcolor="#44dd44"><tr><td>Si requiere acceso a esta página por favor pongase en contacto <BR>con el Administrador de Sistemas o el Administrador de la Red.</td></tr></table> <P><font size=-3>Powered by <a href="http://e2guardian.org?block" target="_blank">e2guardian</a></font> </center> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- Translated by Vladimir Gomez The available variables are as follows: - URL- gives the URL the user was trying to get to. - REASONGIVEN- gives the nice reason (i.e. not quoting the banned phrase). - REASONLOGGED- gives the reason that gets logged including full details. - USER- gives the username if known. - IP- gives the originating IP. - FILTERGROUP- gives the group number. - BYPASS- gives URL which allows temporary bypass of denied page You need to remove the space between the - and the variable to use them in your HTML. They are there above so extra processing is not required. More example templates are likely to be found on the e2guardian web site on the Extras page. Daniel Barron 2002-03-27 -->