# This is the site level storybook # override library functions and add your site level functions here #Examples:- # General:- # If you do not use local files then uncomment the following lines:- #function(localcheckrequest) #function(localsslrequestcheck) #function(localgreycheck) #function(localbannedcheck) #function(localexceptioncheck) #function(localsslcheckrequest) # To disable checks on embedded urls then uncomment:- #function(embeddedcheck) # If you have bypass enabled then comment out next line:- function(checknobypasslists) # If you have av scanning enabled then comment out next 2 lines:- function(checknoscanlists) function(checknoscantypes) # If you only want exception extensions/mime filetypes to be allowed # then uncomment the following 4 lines #function(checkfiletype) #if(mimein, exceptionmime) return false #if(extensionin, exceptionextension) return false #if(true) return setblock # For ICAP mode:- # If you are using squid bump for https interception uncomment # next 2 lines #function(icapsquidbump) #if(true) return true