# Phraselists to block gaming websites 
# Originally created by Fernand Jonker
# This list is seriously ALPHA - it blocks many pages, but may overblock.
# This list has NOT been tested in a production environment!
# If you use this list please send feedback to phrasemaster@dansguardian.org
# Waiting for input :-)

#listcategory: "Games"

< games><10>
< puzzles><10>
<online game><40>

#game names
<mah jong><30>
<wheel of fortune><30>
<jewel quest><30>

<close combat><30>
<combat task force><30>
<delta force><30>
<mortal kombat><30>

#game companies
<game boy><20>
<sony>,< psp ><20>

#general gaming
<game>,< simulation><30>
<game>,< strategy><30>
<game>,< adventure><30>
#<game>,< action><30>
<game>,< rpg><30>
<game>,< sport><30>