#Banned extension list

# File extensions with executable code 

# The following file extensions can contain executable code.
# This means they can potentially carry a virus to infect your computer.

.ade  # Microsoft Access project extension
.adp  # Microsoft Access project
.asx  # Windows Media Audio / Video
.bas  # Microsoft Visual Basic class module
.bat  # Batch file
.cab  # Windows setup file
.chm  # Compiled HTML Help file
.cmd  # Microsoft Windows NT Command script
.com  # Microsoft MS-DOS program
.cpl  # Control Panel extension
.crt  # Security certificate 
.dll  # Windows system file
.exe  # Program
.hlp  # Help file
.ini  # Windows system file
.hta  # HTML program
.inf  # Setup Information
.ins  # Internet Naming Service
.isp  # Internet Communication settings
# .js   # JScript file - often needed in web pages
# .jse  # Jscript Encoded Script file - often needed in web pages
.lnk  # Windows Shortcut
.mda  # Microsoft Access add-in program 
.mdb  # Microsoft Access program
.mde  # Microsoft Access MDE database
.mdt  # Microsoft Access workgroup information 
.mdw  # Microsoft Access workgroup information 
.mdz  # Microsoft Access wizard program 
.msc  # Microsoft Common Console document
.msi  # Microsoft Windows Installer package
.msp  # Microsoft Windows Installer patch
.mst  # Microsoft Visual Test source files
.pcd  # Photo CD image, Microsoft Visual compiled script
.pif  # Shortcut to MS-DOS program
.prf  # Microsoft Outlook profile settings
.reg  # Windows registry entries
.scf  # Windows Explorer command
.scr  # Screen saver
.sct  # Windows Script Component
.sh   # Shell script
.shs  # Shell Scrap object
.shb  # Shell Scrap object
.sys  # Windows system file
.url  # Internet shortcut
.vb   # VBScript file
.vbe  # VBScript Encoded script file
.vbs  # VBScript file
.vxd  # Windows system file
.wsc  # Windows Script Component
.wsf  # Windows Script file
.wsh  # Windows Script Host Settings file
.otf  # Font file - can be used to instant reboot 2k and xp
.ops  # Office XP settings 

# Files which one normally things as non-executable but
# can contain harmful macros and viruses

.doc  # Word document
.xls  # Excel document

# Other files which may contain files with executable code

.gz   # Gziped file
.tar  # Tape ARchive file
.zip  # Windows compressed file
.tgz  # Unix compressed file
.bz2  # Unix compressed file
.cdr  # Mac disk image
.dmg  # Mac disk image
.smi  # Mac self mounting disk image
.sit  # Mac compressed file
.sea  # Mac compressed file, self extracting
.bin  # Mac binary compressed file
.hqx  # Mac binhex encoded file
.rar  # Similar to zip

# Time/bandwidth wasting files

.mp3  # Music file
.mpeg # Movie file
.mpg  # Movie file
.avi  # Movie file
.asf  # this can also exploit a security hole allowing virus infection
.iso  # CD ISO image
.ogg  # Music file
.wmf  # Movie file
.bin # CD ISO image
.cue # CD ISO image

# Banned Media extension list (Audio , Video , Streaming)
# Arrange Alphabetically
# Some have no Description
#.3g2    #
#.3gp      # Nokia Movie File
#.aac    # AAC Audio
#.acp    # AAC for SD Media
#.aiff    # AIFF Audio
#.amc    # AMC Media
#.amr    # narrow-Band Content
#.asf      # Media / this can also exploit a security hole allowing virus infection
#.asx      # Windows Media Audio / Video
#.au    # uLaw/AU Audio
#.avi      # Movie file
#.awb    # AMR Wide-Band Content
#.caf    # CAF Audio
#.cda    # Audio CD File
#.cdda    # Audio CD File
#.cue     # CD ISO image
#.divx    # Compress Movie
#.dv    # Video Format used in Portable Camera
#.flc      # Autodesk Animator
#.flv      # Internet Movies
#.kar    # Karaoke Media Files
#.m3u    # MP3 Playlist
#.m4a    # AAC Audio
#.m4p    # AAC Audio (Protected)
#.m4v    # Video (Protected)
#.mid    # Midi Audio Files
#.midi    # Midi Audio Files
#.mov    # Movie Files
#.mp3      # Music file
#.mp4    # Mpeg-4 Media
#.mpeg     # Movie file
#.mpg      # Movie file
#.mqv      # Quicktime Movies
#.ogg      # Music file
#.ogm      # Ogg Based Movie Files
#.pls      # Shoutcast type of radio
#.qcp    # Qualcomm Purevoice Audio
#.qt    # Quicktime File
#.qtl      # Quicktime Movies
#.ra    # Real Audio
#.ram    # Real Audio Media
#.rm       # Real Media Files
#.rmvb    # Real Media Video
#.rp    # Real Player Files
#.sd2    # Sound Designer II
#.sdp      # Stream Descriptor
#.sdv    # SD Video
#.smi    #
#.smil     # SMIL Multimedia Presentation (Video and Audio Presentation
#.ssm      # Streaming Media Metafile
#.swa    # MP3 Audio
#.swf      # Shockwave Streaming files
#.vfw       # Video for Windows
#.wmf      # Movie file
#.wmv     # Windows Media Video