#! /usr/bin/perl # # Explain to the user that the URL is blocked and by which rule set # # Original by P�l Baltzersen 1999 (pal.baltzersen@ost.eltele.no) # French texts thanks to Fabrice Prigent (fabrice.prigent@univ-tlse1.fr) # Dutch texts thanks to Anneke Sicherer-Roetman (sicherer@sichemsoft.nl) # German texts thanks to Buergernetz Pfaffenhofen (http://www.bn-paf.de/filter/) # Spanish texts thanks to Samuel García). # Rewrite by Christine Kronberg, 2008, to enable an easier integration of # other languages. # # By accepting this notice, you agree to be bound by the following # agreements: # # This software product, squidGuard, is copyrighted (C) 1998-2008 # by Christine Kronberg, Shalla Secure Services. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as # published by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed in the # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even # the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (GPL) for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # (GPL) along with this program. use strict; use Socket; # # GLOBAL VALUES: # my ($clientaddr,$clientname,$clientuser,$clientgroup,$targetgroup,$url); my (@supported,$image,$redirect,$autoinaddr,$proxy,$proxymaster); my $lang="en"; my (%msgconf,%title,%logo,%msg,%tab,%word); my ($protocol,$address,$port,$path,$refererhost,$referer); my %Babel = (); my $rechts=""; my $links=""; my $dummy=""; sub getpreferedlang(@); sub parsequery($); sub status($); sub redirect($); sub content($); sub expires($); sub msg($$); sub gethostnames($); sub spliturl($); sub showhtml($); sub showimage($$$); sub showinaddr($$$$$); # # CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS: # # (Currently: "en", "fr", "de", "es", "nl", "no") @supported = ( "en (English), ", "fr (Fran�ais), ", "de (Deutsch), ", "es (Espa�ol), ", "nl (Nederlands), ", "no (Norsk)." ); # # Modifiy the values below to reflect you environment # The image you define with "$image" and redirect will be displayed if the unappropriate # url is of the type: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, mp3, mpg, mpeg, avi or mov. # $image = "/images/blocked.png"; # RELATIVE TO DOCUMENT_ROOT $redirect = "http://admin.your-domain/images/blocked.png"; # "" TO AVOID REDIRECTION $proxy = "proxy.your-domain"; # Your proxy server $proxymaster = "operator\@your-domain"; # The email of your proxy adminstrator $autoinaddr = 2; # 0|1|2; # 0 TO NOT REDIRECT # 1 TO AUTORESOLVE & REDIRECT IF UNIQUE # 2 TO AUTORESOLVE & REDIRECT TO FIRST NAME # You may wish to enter your company link and logo to be displayed on the page my $company = " "; my $companylogo = " "; my $squidguard = "http://www.squidguard.org"; my $squidguardlogo = "http://www.squidguard.org/Logos/squidGuard.gif"; ######################################################################################## # # SUBROUTINES: # # # RETURN THE FIRST SUPPORTED LANGUAGE OF THE BROWSERS PREFERRED OR THE # DEFAULT: # sub getpreferedlang(@) { my @supported = @_; my @languages = split(/\s*,\s*/,$ENV{"HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"}) if(defined($ENV{"HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"})); my $lang; my $supp; push(@languages,$supported[0]); for $lang (@languages) { $lang =~ s/\s.*//; $lang = substr($lang,0,2); for $supp (@supported) { $supp =~ s/\s.*//; return($lang) if ($lang eq $supp); } } } # # PARSE THE QUERY_STRING FOR KNOWN KEYS: # sub parsequery($) { my $query = shift; my $clientaddr = "$Babel{Unknown}"; my $clientname = "$Babel{Unknown}"; my $clientuser = "$Babel{Unknown}"; my $clientgroup = "$Babel{Unknown}"; my $targetgroup = "$Babel{Unknown}"; my $url = "$Babel{Unknown}"; if (defined($query)) { while ($query =~ /^\&?([^\&=]+)=\"([^\"]*)\"(.*)/ || $query =~ /^\&?([^\&=]+)=([^\&=]*)(.*)/) { my $key = $1; my $value = $2; $value = "$Babel{Unknown}" unless(defined($value) && $value && $value ne "unknown"); $query = $3; if ($key =~ /^(clientaddr|clientname|clientuser|clientgroup|targetgroup|url)$/) { eval "\$$key = \$value"; } if ($query =~ /^url=(.*)/) { $url = $1; last; } } } return($clientaddr,$clientname,$clientuser,$clientgroup,$targetgroup,$url); } # # PRINT HTTP STATUS HEARER: # sub status($) { my $status = shift; print "Status: $status\n"; } # # PRINT HTTP LOCATION HEARER: # sub redirect($) { my $location = shift; print "Location: $location\n"; } # # PRINT HTTP CONTENT-TYPE HEARER: # sub content($) { my $contenttype = shift; print "Content-Type: $contenttype\n"; } # # PRINT HTTP LAST-MODIFIED AND EXPIRES HEADER: # sub expires($) { my $ttl = shift; my $time = time; my @day = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); my @month = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = gmtime($time); printf "Last-Modified: %s, %d %s %d", $day[$wday],$mday,$month[$mon],$year+1900; printf " %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\n", $hour,$min,$sec; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = gmtime($time+$ttl); printf "Expires: %s, %d %s %d", $day[$wday],$mday,$month[$mon],$year+1900; printf " %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\n", $hour,$min,$sec; } # # REVERSE LOOKUP AND RETURN NAMES: # sub gethostnames($) { my $address = shift; my ($name,$aliases) = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($address), AF_INET); my @names; if (defined($name)) { push(@names,$name); if (defined($aliases) && $aliases) { for(split(/\s+/,$aliases)) { next unless(/\./); push(@names,$_); } } } return(@names); } # # SPLIT AN URL INTO PROTOCOL, ADDRESS, PORT AND PATH: # sub spliturl($) { my $url = shift; my $protocol = ""; my $address = ""; my $port = ""; my $path = ""; $url =~ /^([^\/:]+):\/\/([^\/:]+)(:\d*)?(.*)/; $protocol = $1 if(defined($1)); $address = $2 if(defined($2)); $port = $3 if(defined($3)); $path = $4 if(defined($4)); return($protocol,$address,$port,$path); } # # SEND OUT AN IMAGE: # sub showimage($$$) { my ($type,$file,$redirect) = @_; content("image/$type"); expires(300); redirect($redirect) if($redirect); print "\n"; open(GIF, "$ENV{\"DOCUMENT_ROOT\"}$file"); print ; close(GIF) } # # SHOW THE INADDR ALERNATIVES WITH OPTIONAL ATOREDIRECT: # sub showinaddr($$$$$) { my ($targetgroup,$protocol,$address,$port,$path) = @_; my $msgid = $targetgroup; my @names = gethostnames($address); if($autoinaddr == 2 && @names || $autoinaddr && @names==1) { status("301 Moved Permanently"); redirect("$protocol://$names[0]$port$path"); } elsif (@names>1) { status("300 Multiple Choices"); } elsif (@names) { status("301 Moved Permanently"); } else { status("404 Not Found"); } if (@names) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "$Babel{Title}\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; expires(0); $msgid = "in-addr" unless(defined($msgconf{$msgid})); if (defined($msgconf{$msgid})) { print " \n"; for (@{$msgconf{$msgid}}) { my @config = split(/:/); my $type = shift(@config); if ($type eq "msg") { msg($config[0],$config[1]); } elsif ($type eq "tab") { table(shift(@config),shift(@config),@config); } elsif ($type eq "alternatives") { print " \n"; for (@names) { print " \n \n \n"; } print "
\n "; href("$protocol://$_$port$path"); print "\n \n
\n\n"; if (defined($ENV{"HTTP_REFERER"}) && $ENV{"HTTP_REFERER"} =~ /:\/\/([^\/:]+)/) { $refererhost = $1; $referer = $ENV{"HTTP_REFERER"}; msg("H4","referermaster"); } } } } } return; } ######################################################################################## # # MAIN PROGRAM # # To change the messages in the blocked page please refer to the corresponding babel file. # $lang = getpreferedlang(@supported); open (BABEL, "babel.$lang") || warn "Unable to open language file: $!\n"; flock (BABEL, 2); while () { chomp $_ ; ($links, $rechts) = split (/=/, $_); $Babel{$links} = $rechts; } flock (BABEL, 8); close (BABEL); ($clientaddr,$clientname,$clientuser,$clientgroup,$targetgroup,$url) = parsequery($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"}); ($protocol,$address,$port,$path) = spliturl($url); if ($url =~ /\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|mp3|mpg|mpeg|avi|mov)$/i) { status("403 Forbidden"); showimage("gif",$image,$redirect); exit 0; } if ($targetgroup eq "in-addr") { showinaddr($targetgroup,$protocol,$address,$port,$path); } status("403 Forbidden"); expires(0); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "$Babel{Title}\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\"\"\n"; print "\n"; print "\"\"

\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "


\n"; print "

\n"; print "$Babel{Tabcaption}

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
$Babel{TabIP} $clientaddr
$Babel{Tabclientname} $clientname
$Babel{Tabclientuser} $clientuser
$Babel{Tabclientgroup} $clientgroup
$Babel{Taburl} $url
$Babel{Tabtargetgroup} $targetgroup
\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; if ($targetgroup eq "in-addr") { print "$Babel{msginaddr}

\n"; print "$Babel{msgnoalternatives} ",$address,".
\n"; print "$Babel{msgwebmaster}\n"; } print "

\n"; print "$Babel{msgproxymaster} $proxymaster.
\n"; print "$Babel{msgrefresh}\n"; print "
\n"; # bottom of page print "
\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "$Babel{msgdeflang} ",@supported, "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; exit 0 ;