#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash runas_user() { yasu nextcloud:nextcloud "$@" } # From https://github.com/docker-library/mariadb/blob/master/docker-entrypoint.sh#L21-L41 # usage: file_env VAR [DEFAULT] # ie: file_env 'XYZ_DB_PASSWORD' 'example' # (will allow for "$XYZ_DB_PASSWORD_FILE" to fill in the value of # "$XYZ_DB_PASSWORD" from a file, especially for Docker's secrets feature) file_env() { local var="$1" local fileVar="${var}_FILE" local def="${2:-}" if [ "${!var:-}" ] && [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then echo >&2 "error: both $var and $fileVar are set (but are exclusive)" exit 1 fi local val="$def" if [ "${!var:-}" ]; then val="${!var}" elif [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then val="$(<"${!fileVar}")" fi export "$var"="$val" unset "$fileVar" } TZ=${TZ:-UTC} MEMORY_LIMIT=${MEMORY_LIMIT:-512M} UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=${UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE:-512M} CLEAR_ENV=${CLEAR_ENV:-yes} OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE=${OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE:-128} LISTEN_IPV6=${LISTEN_IPV6:-true} APC_SHM_SIZE=${APC_SHM_SIZE:-128M} REAL_IP_FROM=${REAL_IP_FROM:-} REAL_IP_HEADER=${REAL_IP_HEADER:-X-Forwarded-For} LOG_IP_VAR=${LOG_IP_VAR:-remote_addr} HSTS_HEADER=${HSTS_HEADER:-max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains} XFRAME_OPTS_HEADER=${XFRAME_OPTS_HEADER:-SAMEORIGIN} RP_HEADER=${RP_HEADER:-strict-origin} DB_TYPE=${DB_TYPE:-sqlite} DB_HOST=${DB_HOST:-db} DB_NAME=${DB_NAME:-nextcloud} DB_USER=${DB_USER:-nextcloud} SIDECAR_CRON=${SIDECAR_CRON:-0} SIDECAR_NEWSUPDATER=${SIDECAR_NEWSUPDATER:-0} # Timezone echo "Setting timezone to ${TZ}..." ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} /etc/localtime echo ${TZ} >/etc/timezone # PHP-FPM echo "Setting PHP-FPM configuration..." sed -e "s/@MEMORY_LIMIT@/$MEMORY_LIMIT/g" \ -e "s/@UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE@/$UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE/g" \ -e "s/@CLEAR_ENV@/$CLEAR_ENV/g" \ /etc/tpls/etc/php/php-fpm.d/www.conf >/etc/php/php-fpm.d/www.conf # PHP echo "Setting PHP configuration..." sed -e "s/@APC_SHM_SIZE@/$APC_SHM_SIZE/g" \ /etc/tpls/etc/php/conf.d/apcu.ini >/etc/php/conf.d/apcu.ini sed -e "s/@OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE@/$OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE/g" \ /etc/tpls/etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini >/etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini sed -e "s/@MEMORY_LIMIT@/$MEMORY_LIMIT/g" \ -e "s#@TIMEZONE@#$TZ#g" \ /etc/tpls/etc/php/conf.d/override.ini >/etc/php/conf.d/override.ini # Nginx echo "Setting Nginx configuration..." sed -e "s/@UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE@/$UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE/g" \ -e "s#@REAL_IP_FROM@#$REAL_IP_FROM#g" \ -e "s#@REAL_IP_HEADER@#$REAL_IP_HEADER#g" \ -e "s#@LOG_IP_VAR@#$LOG_IP_VAR#g" \ -e "s/@HSTS_HEADER@/$HSTS_HEADER/g" \ -e "s/@XFRAME_OPTS_HEADER@/$XFRAME_OPTS_HEADER/g" \ -e "s/@RP_HEADER@/$RP_HEADER/g" \ -e "s#@SUBDIR@#$SUBDIR#g" \ /etc/tpls/etc/nginx/nginx.conf >/etc/nginx/nginx.conf if [ "$LISTEN_IPV6" != "true" ]; then sed -e '/listen \[::\]:/d' -i /etc/nginx/nginx.conf fi # Init Nextcloud echo "Initializing Nextcloud files/folders..." mkdir -p /data/config /data/data /data/session /data/tmp /data/userapps if [ ! -d /data/themes ]; then if [ -d /var/www/themes ]; then mv -f /var/www/themes /data/ chown -R nextcloud. /data/themes fi mkdir -p /data/themes elif [ -d /var/www/themes ]; then rm -rf /var/www/themes fi chown nextcloud. /data/config /data/data /data/session /data/tmp /data/userapps /data/themes ln -sf /data/config/config.php /var/www/config/config.php &>/dev/null ln -sf /data/themes /var/www/themes &>/dev/null ln -sf /data/userapps /var/www/userapps &>/dev/null file_env 'DB_PASSWORD' if [ -z "$DB_PASSWORD" ]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: Either DB_PASSWORD or DB_PASSWORD_FILE must be defined" exit 1 fi # Install Nextcloud if config not found if [ ! -f /data/config/config.php ]; then # https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/configuration_server/automatic_configuration.html touch /tmp/first-install echo "Creating automatic configuration..." cat >/var/www/config/autoconfig.php < '/data/data', 'dbtype' => '${DB_TYPE}', 'dbname' => '${DB_NAME}', 'dbuser' => '${DB_USER}', 'dbpass' => '${DB_PASSWORD}', 'dbhost' => '${DB_HOST}', 'dbtableprefix' => '', ); EOL runas_user cat >/data/config/config.php < '/data/data', 'tempdirectory' => '/data/tmp', 'supportedDatabases' => array( 'sqlite', 'mysql', 'pgsql' ), 'logtimezone' => '${TZ}', 'logdateformat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'memcache.local' => '\\\OC\\\Memcache\\\APCu', 'apps_paths' => array( array( 'path'=> '/var/www/apps', 'url' => '/apps', 'writable' => false, ), array( 'path'=> '/data/userapps', 'url' => '/userapps', 'writable' => true, ), ), 'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp' ); EOL fi unset DB_USER unset DB_PASSWORD # https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/configuration_server/config_sample_php_parameters.html#proxy-configurations if [ -n "$SUBDIR" ]; then cat >/var/www/config/subdir.config.php < '${SUBDIR}', ); EOL fi # config directory must be writable chown -R nextcloud. /var/www/config