#!/usr/bin/with-contenv sh # shellcheck shell=sh CRONTAB_PATH="/var/spool/cron/crontabs" SIDECAR_PREVIEWGEN=${SIDECAR_PREVIEWGEN:-0} # Continue only if previewgen container if [ "$SIDECAR_PREVIEWGEN" != "1" ]; then exit 0 fi echo ">>" echo ">> Sidecar previews generator container detected for Nextcloud" echo ">>" # Init rm -rf ${CRONTAB_PATH} mkdir -m 0644 -p ${CRONTAB_PATH} touch ${CRONTAB_PATH}/nextcloud # Cron if [ -n "$PREVIEWGEN_PERIOD" ]; then echo "Creating Previews Generator cron task with the following period fields : $PREVIEWGEN_PERIOD" echo "${PREVIEWGEN_PERIOD} php -f /var/www/occ preview:pre-generate" >> ${CRONTAB_PATH}/nextcloud else echo "PREVIEWGEN_PERIOD env var empty..." fi # Fix perms echo "Fixing crontabs permissions..." chmod -R 0644 ${CRONTAB_PATH} # Create service mkdir -p /etc/services.d/cron cat > /etc/services.d/cron/run <