# Config for act_runner daemon log: # The level of logging, can be trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal level: info host: # The parent directory of a job's working directory. workdir_parent: 'REPLACE_RUNNER_TEMP' runner: # Where to store the registration result. file: REPLACE_RUNNER_HOME/runners # Execute how many tasks concurrently at the same time. capacity: 1 # Extra environment variables to run jobs. envs: A_TEST_ENV_NAME_1: a_test_env_value_1 # Extra environment variables to run jobs from a file. env_file: .env # The timeout for a job to be finished. timeout: 3h # Whether skip verifying the TLS certificate of the Gitea instance. insecure: true # The timeout for fetching the job from the Gitea instance. fetch_timeout: 5s # The interval for fetching the job from the Gitea instance. fetch_interval: 2s # The labels of a runner are used to determine which jobs the runner can run, and how to run them. labels: #- 'macos:docker:dockurr/macos' #- 'windows:docker:dockurr/windows' #- 'linux:docker:casjaysdev/almalinux' #- 'alma:docker:casjaysdev/almalinux' #- 'alpine:docker:casjaysdev/alpine' #- 'debian:docker:casjaysdev/debian' #- 'arch:docker:casjaysdev/archlinux' #- 'node:docker://node:latest' #- 'node14:docker://node:14' #- 'node16:docker://node:16' #- 'node18:docker://node:18' #- 'node20:docker://node:20' #- 'node20:docker://node:20' #- 'python3:docker://python:latest' #- 'php7:docker://php:7-fpm' #- 'php8:docker://php:8-fpm' #- 'php:docker://php:8.4-rc-fpm-alpine3.20' #- 'alpine:docker://casjaysdev/alpine:latest' #- 'almalinux:docker://casjaysdev/almalinux:latest' #- 'debian:docker://casjaysdev/debian:latest' #- 'ubuntu:docker://casjaysdev/ubuntu:latest' #- 'linux:host,ubuntu-latest:docker://catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest' container: # Specifies the network to which the container will connect. network: 'bridge' # Whether to use privileged mode or not when launching task containers (privileged mode is required for Docker-in-Docker). privileged: true # And other options to be used when the container is started (eg, --add-host=my.gitea.url:host-gateway). options: # The parent directory of a job's working directory. workdir_parent: 'REPLACE_RUNNER_TEMP/volumes' # Volumes (including bind mounts) can be mounted to containers. Glob syntax is supported, see https://github.com/gobwas/glob valid_volumes: - '**' # overrides the docker client host with the specified one. docker_host: '' cache: enabled: true host: '' port: '' external_server: 'http://REPLACE_RUNNER_CACHE_HOST:REPLACE_RUNNER_CACHE_PORT/'